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Managing Board

Composition and Functions of the Managing Board of AOR "Atlantic"


LtCol. (ret.) Slavcho Manolov
Dep. Chairman of the AORA Managing Board and Administrative Director

Lt Col. Manolov was born on 22 Jan 1950 in Bankya town, near to Sofiaq Bulgaria. He graduated from higher school in Sofia. In 1977 he graduated from Air Force Academy as a helicopter pilot, and for a long time his military career was associated with the helicopter aviation of the Bulgarian Army, reaching a military rang of Lt Colonel. He has flown different type of helicopters with total 2 520 flying hours. He has good parachute training with 641 jumps. After his retirement from 2004 to 2012 he worked as a helicopter pilot for the Bulgarian company Heli Air. He has been in UN missions in Kosovo, Afghanistan, Sudan and Dubai. Currently he is working for A-Security Ltd., Sofia.




Col. (ret.) Malcho Dimitrov Malchev, military pilot 1-st class
Member of the Managing Board of AORA

Col. Malchev was born on May 17-th 1941 in Plovdiv city. He graduated from high school in 1959. is a distinguished graduate of the Bulgarian Air force Academy as a fighter pilot, class 1964. Col. Malchev is also a distinguished graduate of the Russian Air Command and Staff College „Y. Gagarin“, class 1974, in Monino, close to Moscow. After graduation, he was assigned as a squadron commander in 25th fighter bomber regiment. His air squadron, in 1975 wined 1-st place amongst all air squadrons in the Bulgarian Air Force. In 1996-1997 Col. Malchev was a military adviser to the Bulgarian President Gelyu Gelev1(990-1997).



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Captain 1st Rank Vasil Danov (Ret.)
Member of the Managing Board of AORA
Director “Public Relations”

Master of Arts on Political Sciences and BA on Journalism. Expert on International Humanitarian Law and PR Officer of the General Staff of the Bulgarian Armed Forces. NATO scholarship on the topic "Comparative Analysis of the Armed Forces Reforms in Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria" (1999-2001). Founder and editor of the Bulgarian officers legion "Georgi Rakovski" newspaper "Legia". Former Editor-in-Chief of the Bulgarian Marine Forces newspaper.



Capt. Nedyalko Nedyalkov (Ret.)
Deputy Chairman of the Managing Board of AORA

Captain Nedyalkov has graduated Higher National Military School, Veliko Tarnovo (1974); University of National and World Economy, Sofia (1986), Sofia; Higher School of Management, Sofia (1994); Academy of Economy "Dimitar Tsenov", Svishtov (1995). Capt. Nedyalkov has served only four years in the Bulgarian Army, then retired and has started a career in the civilian life. He has been a Production Manager, Head of Department, Head of the AS, Manager at AUTOTEH OOD in Stara Zagora town; an Executive Director at „ Mototechnica & AS – St. Zagora ”АD; a Chairman of the Municipal Council of Stara Zagora; a member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgarian (2009-2012); a District Manager at the District administration of Stara Zagora. Currently he is a Commercial Director to „ Mototechnica & AS - Stara Zagora ”АD. In 2013 he founded a local club of AORA in Stara Zagora town.




Ivaylo Ivanov
Member of the Managing Board of AORA
Director "Analysis and Finance"

Chief assistant professor at the “G.S. Rakovski” National Defence Academy. An expert in international relation, European and Euro Atlantic security problems, US foreign and security policy. Ivanov previously worked as journalist. He holds a bachelor's degree in political science from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski and master in national security and defence from “G.S. Rakovski” National Defence Academy. Ivaylo Ivanov was born in Sofia in 1979.                 

